• Seasick angler, 70, lands huge shark

    _75833137_sharkGeorge Woodward said it was a boyhood dream to catch a shark

    A 70-year-old angler who suffers from seasickness has landed what could be the largest shark caught in Welsh waters.

    The porbeagle shark weighing about 300lbs (136kg) was caught by George Woodward off the Pembrokeshire coast.

    It was so big it took almost two hours to pull in before being released back into the sea.

    Mr Woodward, of Herefordshire, said he was exhausted at the end but it had been a long-held ambition.

    “Everyone has a boyhood dream,” he said. “When I was a little kid of about four-and-a-half I thought I wouldn’t mind shark fishing.”

    But his ambition always looked likely to be thwarted because he felt sick whenever he set foot in a boat.

    Luckily his fishing trip from Milford Haven took place in particularly calm waters – and it would become memorable for other reasons.

    “I was beginning to realise there was something a bit serious on the end (of the line),” he said.

    “There was a big oil tanker near us and I thought it could be caught on that!

    “We got it closer to the boat and an hour-and-a-half had gone. It was something out of the ordinary.

    Something special

    “I was beginning to think I wished it would fall off because I was in a bit of pain.”

    But with the help of his fellow anglers and boat skipper Andrew Alsop, the shark was eventually wrestled on to the boat.

    And those on board knew it was something special.

    “They measured it and they were saying it was close to or over the Welsh record,” he said.

    Professional angler Martin Bowler, who organised the trip and helped land the catch, said he was aware of Mr Woodward’s dream of catching a shark.

    “I said to him ‘come on George, I will help you get a shark’,” he said.

    He said the largest shark previously caught off the Welsh coast was about 296lbs (134kg).

    Mr Alsop, who runs angling trips off Milford Haven, said he was now waiting to hear if the shark would enter the record books.

    He added: “Back in the early days no-one would have thought of catching sharks off Milford Haven.

    “It’s definitely on the map now for shark fishing. We catch and release them – people come from all over the world to come to try and catch sharks.”

  • Youngsters put their lives at risk by illegal fishing at River Taff weir

    The dangers of illegal fishing in the River Taff at Blackweir have been highlighted after three youngsters were spotted standing on the weir with their fishing rods.

    Natural Resources Wales Fishing has said that fishing at Blackweir contravenes byelaws that does not permit fishing immediately upstream or downstream of the majority of weirs on the River Taff. Anyone caught contravening these byelaws could face a substantial fine.

    A concerned angler caught the trio on camera and sent the picture to Natural Resources Wales (NRW) – formally the Environment Agency Wales.

    The dangerous act comes just weeks after adults were spotted pushing children in buggies across the Blackweir in an attempt to sit alongside the salmon jump.

    Illegal fishing has the potential to damage the amount of fish in the Taff as one salmon can lay up to 6000 eggs.

    For more information read the article on Fishing in Cardiff and Cardiff Bay fishing where there is a map so you can avoid illegal fishing.


    River Taff Fishing License

    If you want to avoid illegal fishing Glamorgan Anglers Club have details of where to fish the Taff legally and a license that covers many more areas than just the Taff for Juniors is £27.00

    SENIOR £65.00

    HUSB/WIFE £88.00

    JUNIOR [Under 16] £27.00

    OAP/DISABLED £45.00

    SENIOR Game£116.00

    JUNIOR [Under 16] Game £47.00

    OAP/DISABLED Game £73.00


    An officer from NRW said: “We want to thank this vigilant angler for taking action and reporting this offence to us. Illegal fishing damages fish numbers in our rivers and spoils angling for others.

    “These young people are not only breaking the law, they are also putting themselves in danger as weirs can be extremely dangerous if they were to fall in.

    “We patrol areas on a regular basis but we do need the support of legitimate anglers or anyone who is out and about to call our incident hotline on 0800 80 70 60 so we can investigate.”

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